Favorites with 0-50 calories
Diet V8 Splash is very satisfying on a hot day as a cool- down alternative to high calorie ice cream shakes or smoothies. Jim likes the Berry Blend, and I prefer the Tropical flavor. I mix 8 oz of V8 Splash with 8 oz of water in a tall glass of ice. It has the flavor and vitamins of regular V8 Splash, but with just 10 calories and 3 grams of carbohydrates per 8-ounce serving. An 8-ounce serving of Diet V8 Splash is a free food exchange, according to the Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, 2003 by the American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association.
Sugar free Popsicles, Fudgsicles, and Creamsicles range from 15 to 40 calories a serving. Even with these low calorie choices, I have to be careful to retrain myself that one serving is enough, and keep drinking that cool clear water to fill the empty spots in my gut and imagination.
Fresh or frozen berry homemade treats are wonderful mixed in the blender with ice, or placed in a small bowl to control the portion size and help me stay mindful of how much I’m eating. It’s really easy to eat more than a handful of blueberries, strawberries, grapes or cherries if I don’t watch the quantity and set myself out a limit of one serving at a time, again, with that big chaser of water.
Tangy cucumber salad is very tasty and satisfying. I slice up 1 large cucumber into 1/8 inch rounds, add slivers of fresh onion, toss in 1 tbsp diet mayo and 1 tbsp cider vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. I’m not fond of bacon bits, but Jim is, so we just a sprinkle 1 tsp of these on his half of the batch to add one of his favorite flavors and it’s still under 50 calories. Yummy to the tummy!