I was hobbling across the parking lot to the Orting Food Bank carrying my donation of 30 pounds of potatoes when a volunteer came dashing out to help me. I declined her offer to take them off my hands.
I wanted to experience and savor what it felt like to bear the burden of those extra 30 pounds weighing down my body. They were the symbol of the 30+ pounds I've lost since my first TOPS May weigh-in.
I was determined to be reminded with every step the impact my obesity has on my body and feel the difference these first 30 pounds I've lost is making. I was huffing and puffing before I made it to the building. My knees were literally creaking. My arms were burning under the extra load. And this was only for a 1 minute walk!
I left the donation and as I walked back to my car feeling the freedom of the loss of over 30 pounds, I did the math in my head of how many more sets of 30 pounds I have to lose to reach my goal. I calculate it will take me until the end of 2012 to get there.
I don't feel discouraged by the length of the journey ahead. Instead I feel encouraged with the realization of the difference these first 30 pounds is making in the strain on my body, and how much greater the improvement will be with each 30 more I take off.
30 pounds of pure fat. Just imagine it. Take a pound of butter from the fridge and wad it up into a ball. Now picture how many pounds you have to lose and how much fat that actually is weighing down your body, impacting your joints, your organs, robbing you of vitality, strength, health and energy.
I suppose it sounds like a silly exercise, but it is just one of the mental pictures I'm using to keep myself on track, reaching toward my goal weight and improved health.
I plan to make many more treks to the Orting Food Bank as I reach weight loss milestones, carrying the symbol of how many pounds I've shed. I want to feel the pain and impact of the burden I was bearing and be reminded of the gain I'm experiencing by losing my excess weight.
I'd love to hear about the things you do that reinforce the positive changes in your life. Send me an email to jrmadison@comcast.net and share your ideas.